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Whither organic solar cells?

December 2, 2011


This week I am attending the Materials Research Society Fall meeting in Boston, where there is a big focus on energy. Catalysis, fuel cells, batteries, solar cells, solar fuel, you name it. And I had a discussion with some researchers from the inorganic solar cell community, who asked me what is with the organic solar cells? There is a lot of university research in this area they said, but at industrial trade shows in comparison you don’t see as many start-ups working on organic solar. Eight19 is an exception to this that comes to mind.

And as we’ve discussed, the problem is basically efficiency. There have been a lot of advances in inorganics recently, with single films now easily reaching efficiencies above 20%. A thin film GaAs solar cell this year achieved a record efficiency of 28.2%! These highly efficient cells are only about 1 micrometre thick(!), which means they are also quite flexible and bendable. And what’s more, fabrication is also very cheap. To make a thin-film solar cell doesn’t even waste an expensive wafer any more, there are techniques to remove the devices from the substrate and to reuse the wafer for the fabrication of the next cell.

In contrast, organic solar cells are much less efficient, less than half what those record breakers achieve – whether it is dye-sensitized cells or polymer-based ones. In the official, verified solar cell efficiency tables (reference below), GaAs as said achieves 28.2%, silicon thin films 19.1%, silicon crystals 25%, CIGS (of Solyndra fame) 19.6%. On the other hand, dye-sensitized solar cells achieve 10.9% and organic polymers 8.3%. And if you’re wondering, the absolute record is held by the more expensive so-called inorganic multijunction cells at 43.5%, but for concentrated light, not normal light.

But such huge differences in efficiency are known. Typically, the argument made in favour of organic solar cells is cost. But is that so? As explained, the latest generation of inorganic thin-film cells are very cheap to make as well. Moreover, one of the most expensive parts of solar cells are the panels that hold the cells, as well as installation. Assuming that these costs are half of the costs of solar modules (a not unreasonable approximation), fabricating organic solar cells that even would be only 10% to 20% the cost of inorganic ones will cut the cost per panel by 40% to 45%. Yet, with efficiencies of less than half of the inorganic ones, you need twice the amount of panels, so it won’t come cheaper. […]

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Through the tangled web

October 18, 2011

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Understanding the properties of something chaotic such as a bowl of spaghetti may seem a daunting task. But that’s what Garry Rumbles from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the USA, Natalie Stingelin from Imperial College London in the UK, and coworkers are trying to do. With success. They study polymers – long spaghetti-like molecules made of repeating atomic subunits – and have now uncovered how the microstructure of these polymers controls the behaviour of optically generated electrical charges in such a tangled molecular web, with important implications for the design of electronic devices.

The physical properties of polymers depend a lot on the length of the molecules as a whole, the atomic make-up of their structural units and the physical interactions between the individual strings. That’s why polymers come in so many forms, from hard plastics to stretchable synthetic rubbers. And what Stingelin and Rumbles now show is that also their electronic properties depend not only the chemical make-up of the polymers, but also the details of their structure and their molecular weight. This has dramatic consequences for the search of new polymers for various optical and electronic applications, says Stingelin. “Are there otherwise wonderful polymers out there that were cast aside because their creators tested the wrong molecular weight? We think it’s quite possible.”


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Sensors in the focus

May 15, 2011

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Hydrogen sensing at the nanoscale. Hydrogen molecules (red) are absorbed by a palladium nanoparticle (silver) and the resulting changes in optical properties amplified by a gold antenna. (c) Mario Hentschel, Na Liu, Harald Giessen

Sensing the presence of molecules in gases and liquids is a billion dollar business. Just think about all the carbon monoxide detectors in private homes, or blood glucose sensors. In particular for many technical and scientific applications, ultrasmall and precise sensors are desired. This includes sensors to measure gases in catalytic nanoreactors and fuel cells, or the monitoring of biochemical processes.

Laura Na Liu and Ming Tang from the group of Paul Alivisatos, director of Lawrence Berkeley Lab in the USA, and Mario Hentschel from Harald Giessen‘s group at the University of Stuttgart in Germany have now developed a new class of optical nanoscale sensors that are able to measure specific molecular concentrations down to single particles. This, says Alivisatos, “should pave the road for the optical observation of chemical reactions and catalytic activities in nanoreactors, and for local biosensing.” Their paper is published this week in Nature Materials (declaration of interest: I was the handling editor of this paper, although I like to stress that I don’t benefit in my day job by blogging about this work). […]

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