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Relaxing times for scanning tunnelling microscopes

September 24, 2010

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Scanning tunnelling microscopes (STM) are a wonderful instruments that can not only image but also manipulate individual atoms on a surface. Developed by Gerd Binning and Heinrich Rohrer in 1981, STM and their derivatives revolutionized our understanding of what happens on the surface of materials.

The famous quantum corral, fabricated and imaged in 1993 by Don Eigler at IBM. Atoms (blue) are placed on a circle and consequently modify the electron density on the surface (red ripples). (c) IBM

Expanding on Binning and Rohrer’s work at IBM in Zurich, Don Eigler at IBM’s Almaden lab in particular pioneered the modification of individual atoms on a surface. In 1989 he famously accomplished moving atoms on a surface to form the letters IBM. For these accomplishments Eigler received this year’s Kavli Prize in Nanoscience.

IBM continues to pioneer STM research at Almaden. The group of Andreas Heinrich, for example, who started at IBM in 1998 as a postdoc with Don Eigler, is working on the study of magnetic atoms. He and Eigler have now accomplished another major advance in microscopy technology. So far, STM measurements were mainly static and little information of dynamic properties was available. In a study published in Science, they now have developed a method that is able to measure how long it takes for atoms to flip their electron spin. This technique opens the door to measurements of the dynamics of a number of properties, for example vibrational states.


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The very fabric of research: a visit to the ILL in Grenoble

September 20, 2010


The nuclear reactor at ILL. The nuclear fuel is underneath the steel shield. The blue glow of that is partly visible is caused by Cerenkov radiation.

You look down into a clear pool of water. The water has an appealing blue glow to it that makes you want to dive into it. But this isn’t a swimming pool, it is a nuclear reactor. And the soothing blue glow is not due to the blue paint of the pool walls but caused by the Cerenkov radiation, emitted as a result of the electrons created by the fission process that move faster than the speed of light in water.

The electrons that are ejected from the nuclear fuel elements are fast than the speed of light in water (about 75% of the speed of light in vacuum). Similar to the supersonic bang of jets that fly faster than the speed of sound, Cerenkov radiation is emitted by water as the fast electrons pass through it. The blue shimmer of the Cerenkov radiation is visible on the right of the photo, showing the pool containing spent reactor fuel.

The reactor I am visiting is that at the Institut Laue-Languevin (ILL) in Grenoble. As a research reactor it is generating up to 58 megawatts of power, about 25 times less than that of commercial reactors. Still, I am nervous holding my camera directly above the pool to take pictures, afraid I might be dropping it into the running reactor. But there is no need to worry, it is safe to stand there, the water is a perfect shield from the radiation, it absorbs all the neutrons and electrons created by the nuclear reaction. And there is of course plenty of security and radiation monitoring before, during and after my visit. Even if I would drop the camera into the pool, there is a steel construction in the water that would catch larger objects. And stuff that would slip through that grid would probably lie harmlessly at the bottom of the pool until the reactor is decommissioned.

Not many people are allowed inside the reactor and I am lucky enough to be invited to the ILL along with a few British colleagues. It is only the second time I am inside a nuclear reactor. It is an awesome feeling, certainly for a physicist, to see an operating reactor and to admire the technology that keeps the nuclear chain reaction under control. The impressions from my visit not only reinforce what I know about the benefits of neutron research, but the variety of research to me also underlines the dangerous implications of possible recession-related government budget cuts to facilities like ILL.

ILL was founded by France and Germany in 1967, with the UK becoming a third major partner in 1973. Initially, the UK did not join the institute because it wanted to build its own reactor, tells us our tour guide, Andrew Harrison, an Associate Director of ILL. Nowadays it seems almost unbelievable to me that the UK abstains from a European research project because it intends to invest more money into a certain area of research, not less. In any case, today, Germany, France, and the UK still share 75% of ILL’s operating budget of 88 million Euros, the rest being distributed amongst its other international partners. Their continuing support has made ILL one of the leading research institutions that uses neutrons for experiments in life sciences (18% share of experiments), environment (11%), materials science (29%) and fundamental sciences (35%).


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More cool polariton stuff

September 17, 2010

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Earlier this week I wrote about some of the exciting polaritons in semiconductors. And just a few days later, there is another intriguing paper on this topic out. Something that I speculate(!) might lead to new types of quantum computers.

But to recapitulate, polaritons are object that form when light interacts with electronic excitations. What I also mentioned was that if cooled down to about 30 degrees above absolute zero the polaritons for a condensate. In this condensate all polaritons are identical — they oscillate synchronously. Mathematically, they all have the same phase.

Typical semiconductor structure in which polaritons can be created. Two mirrors (DBR) on top and bottom of the device confine light between them. In the center is a layer (red) where the high light intensity between the mirrors creates polaritons. In the present study two such layers are placed right next to each other. Image reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature Materials 9, 655 (2010).

In my last blog post, I described how acoustic waves can separate this condensate into thin wires. What Benoit Deveaud-Plédran and colleagues from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland have now realised is along the same idea: they fabricated two polariton condensates right next to each other.

What happens if the two thin layers with polariton condensates come close to each other? Something very similar to what superconductors do. The particles in superconductors also are in the same quantum state, with the same phase. And what we also know is that if two superconductors are brought in close contact to each other and if an electrical voltage is applied across the barrier that separates the two, an electric current flows.  But unlike the static current of normal conductors, for superconductors it shows a characteristic modulation: the magnitude of the current that flows oscillates over time. This is the Josephson effect.


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